Friday, November 25, 2011

News at DIY Printing

            We have been super busy in the studio this month. we have had quite a few artist making prints and printing for shows. We have also had some new blood walk through DIY's doors and we are looking forward to seeing their artwork. We are still looking for space because we need to expand so all of us can print at the same time. As of right now things are working out but we need more space. other then that we are just printing away and having a blast playing with prints. Me personally I just finished a 3 color print and hope to get another one done before the year is up. Also on a different note we have started working with and teach a class to Starfire! We are super excited about this and have a lot of great ideas in the mix. In addition to Starfire we have KB in DIY Printing doing some great artwork and getting her screens and ideas ready to print. We are having a blast with KB and Starfire and can't wait to see what happens in DIY Printing. We are still running strong on Open studio nights and if you feel like stopping bye to check out whats going on please feel free to. We have open studio Monday 7-10pm and Wednesday 7-10pm.We also had a Blast at Crafty Supermarket. Tons of silkscreened piggy banks being made and Crazy DIY Parrots being printed. we also handed out a ton of free swag. So stop on out next time we are out because you never know what DIY Printing is up to! Also a special thanks to Becka Sage and Jen Kawanari for pulling everything together and watching out for DIY Printing! we couldn't of done it without ya! So we hope to see more art coming out of DIY Printing and work with more motivated artist in the future but for now keep on printing and making art because without it we are nothing. hope to print with you soon.

Monday, November 7, 2011

News at DIY Printing

       We are still running strong and have lots of new artist joining DIY Printing. We are really excited but this also brings us to our next adventure! That is looking for a bigger space. If you know of anything or anyone that would want to help let us know. Other then looking for a bigger space we are going to be at crafty supermarket November 19th doing some prints and having some fun. We hope to see you at crafty supermarket as well so you can stop by our booth and get some DIY Printing love. If you would like to help or design a poster or print to hand out give us a heads up and we will see if we can"t get you printing. We are still doing Open Studio nights Monday and Wednesday 7-10pm for all those wanting to check us out or just want to come by and see whats going on. The holidays are upon us so DIY is just kicking back a bit and just getting some printing done. We are also starting to make plans for next year. So if you or your organization would like to get involved with us let us know and we would be glad to come and have some fun printing with you. We are always doing our best to keep expanding and getting new equipment in so artist can do artwork. So if you know anyone who would love us to print for them so we can keep DIY Printing open we would be honored! Hope to be printing with you soon.